Elderly Woman Steps in 'Hidden Hole' Inside A Parking Lot and Receives $410,000.00 Settlement
The Plaintiff was a pedestrian walking from her car to her daughter’s house in an apartment building when she stepped in a hole in the ground. This hole, which had existed for several years, was so old that grass had grown over it creating an optical illusion making it look like the ground was flat. However, this was a serious tripping hazard on the premises. Years of litigation pinpointed, through the use of aerial maps and Google Earth images, the time period the hole was created; what companies were involved in its creation and maintenance; and exactly how long the management knew or should have known of the presence of this danger on their property. The case was litigated by Zachary Bodenheimer and Judd Rosen and after multiple mediations, the parties were able to bring closure to the situation and secure a $410,000.00 settlement for the Plaintiff who suffered a serious lower extremity injury.